Hanney History Group
2017-18 Programme

The Hanney History Group offers a wide range of talks and visits for anyone interested in the past of Oxfordshire and the Vale of the White Horse. The group meets at 8:00pm on the fourth Tuesday of every month from September to April in the Old Hanney Room of the Hanney War Memorial Hall. New members and visitors are always very welcome. A summary of the varied programme for Autumn 2017 to Spring 2018 is provided below.
Tuesday, 26th September 2017
From Wells to Water Meters Oxfordshire's water supplies: From 1600 to today.
Speaker: Jill Hind -
Tuesday, 24th October 2017
Living with the White Horse: Ridgeway hillfort excavations.
Speaker: Gary Lock -
Tuesday, 28th November 2017
Putting Hanney on the Map: from Gough to Google.
Speaker: John Leighfield -
Tuesday, 23rd January 2018
Oxford in the Civil War: A view from people in the Royalist capital
Speaker: Stephen Barker -
Tuesday, 27th February 27th, 2018
A History of Garford: Why is Hanney's closest neighbour so different?
Speaker: Mike Greig -
Tuesday, 27th March 2018
Lost Villages of Oxfordshire: What causes thriving communities to disappear?
Speaker: Deborah Hayter -
Tuesday, 24th April 2018
Harwell's Nuclear Research Site: From Europe's first reactor to its largest science park.
Speaker: Nick Hance -
May - August, 2018
Three to four 2018 Summer visits being planned.
Membership costs £12.00 (7 evenings). The cost for visitors per talk is £3.00. Summer visits are charged at group cost price.
Contact Us
For further details on any of the above items please contact Bill Orson on 01235 868859 or via email. See below for A Brief History of the Hanney Villages.